Are Smart Paths The New Vape Temp?


When building the DAVINCI IQ we wanted to truly develop a method that made sense and stand apart from the infamous low, medium, high scale that seems to be incorporated into a lot of the portable vaporizers on the market. In an effort to differentiate our next most advanced portable vaporizer we developed Smart Path technology. Learn the methodologies behind each smart path and why we developed a strong focus around it but as well give each a proper name to deeper understand ideal moments to pull out a freshly packed IQ and put it to work. Where ideas have been told and shared, not many truly understand them the way we do.

DaVinci IQ Smart Paths Vape Temp

Right off you should know that the science behind the Smart Path technology derives from our exploration and deep understanding of the Cannabis plant and it’s over 400 chemical compound foundation. Do you have to remember all 400+ of them? Absolutely not, but we are going to focus on those most notable compounds and also offer a small understanding of what are truly the best vaporizer temperatures to vape at, and why.

When using the IQ with cannabis there are some key points to remember that will deliver great flavor and dense vapor at every session. I want to remind you that in order to captivate the true potential of the IQ nearly every time, always keep up on regular maintenance. Not only does it command the purest flavor every time, but it also protects the warranty and preserves the condition of your DAVINCI IQ.

(Just know that Cannabis produces oils and material that easily attaches to surfaces during its cooldown. Staying on top of good practices while using is recommended with cannabis use.)

Why is Temperature Important?

The more we advance our understanding of temperature control, the close we come to breaking down how materials deliver beneficial properties from vaporization. Some of you may hear that temperatures under 375°F/190°C produce more of a cerebral high and above 375°F/190°C produce a body high. Now, we could stop there because this isn’t really a bad point of reference.

Why Smart Paths became necessary was simply because we know If you vaporize where the temperature is too high, you will burn your material and end up with no flavor. We get it and love a vaporizer’s ability to heat up and activate many benefits from aromatherapy herbs to cannabis but let’s be real, no one likes the taste of burned herbs.

If you are wondering how the DaVinci IQ Smart Paths work, go and click the video.

Tips To Keep In Mind

Here are one a few more gems before we jump into our first Smart Path. ALWAYS load your bowl nice and firmly but do NOT overpack it. Do this as well as grind cannabis material to result in a medium-coarse texture. Not too fine and not too coarse, just right in the middle.

Use the DAVINCI tool or a small non-abrasive tamper to push material down into the bowl as you're loading it. This helps push it firmer into layers - just do NOT overpack. Overpacking increases draw resistance and will destroy the experience, including your freshly loaded bowl - and that is a BUMMER.

Loading your IQ like this produce unexpected levels of purity when the plant material touches all sides of the oven and the least amount of space is left between the plant matter. This helps create a 360 degree heating of the bowl and then promotes even distribution of heat, ultimately creating a rich and dense vapor.

Smart Paths

The default Smart Paths are straight-forward to use for every user at novice level all the way up to advanced. Vaporizing at different temperatures allows users to experience varying feelings and effects of euphoria, pain relief, and relaxation. Here’s how the DAVINCI IQ’s four Smart Path guide user experience.

Smart Path 1 | “HIGH-NOON”
(350°F / 176°C - 370°F / 188°C)

High Noon Vape Temp - Smart Path 1

Low temperatures awaken the sense to a bouquet of aromas and tastes to a light euphoric effect. Bask in radiant flavor profiles as this energetic range uplifts and brightens the palette. Driving creativity and elation, this range is a great starting point for newcomers.

Activation of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol - Delta 8) leads to the best medium euphoric experience and enlightened consciousness.Words that could best describe the typical experience are; light, sweet. relieving, aware, focused, short, serene, refreshing, head-change.

Smart Path 2 | “SUNSET”
(370°F / 188°C - 390°F / 198°C)

Sunset Vape Temp - Smart Path 2

Enlighten your consciousness with a medium euphoric experience that keeps you awake and active. Stay alert while gently elevated in spirit. Casual users will find this range comfortable and enjoyable.

Activation of CBD (cannabidiol) delivers everything you want out of a ‘just left the office’ kind of session where you’ll meet anti-insomnia, appetite stimulation and anti-inflammatory properties for all you fitness fans out there. Works great for post-workout recovery! Words that could best describe the typical experience are; cerebral, complete, distracted, spacey, full, leisurely, balanced, relief, hungry, awake.

Smart Path 3 | “MOONLIGHT”
(390°F / 198°C - 410°F / 210°C)

Moonlight Vape Temp - Smart Path 3

Kick back and grab the popcorn as relief takes hold. This leisurely range replaces effects of euphoria with a full-body sensation and a movie night in starts sounds better than a night on the town.

Activation of CBN (Cannabinol) is your perfect nighttime medication delivering a full body effect just in time to settle in and finish the remaining hours of your night in a highly relaxed state. Words that could best describe the typical experience are; artistic, inspired, cerebral, relieving (pain), calming, energetic, inventive, effective.

Smart Path 4 | “SANDMAN”
(410°F / 210°C - 430°F / 221°C)

Sandman Vape Temp - Smart Path 4

Grab a couch - you’re going to need one. Put your problems and pains on hold as intense sedation captivates you. This calming temperature range entices you to slow down, unwind and relax as troubles float far, far away.

Activation of certain terpenes like humulene, in combination with cloud chasing sessions, trigger sedative properties rendering you highly content. Great for that couch-lock experience. Words that could best describe the typical experience are; impactful, the show-stopper, gets the job done, happy, euphoric, intense, vibration, perceptive, aware, “in my head”.

What About Precision Temperature?

Of course, let’s not forget that at any time you want to disengage the autopilot and take the controls - it’s two clicks and you are dialing in the temperature you want. It was important for us to make sure this mode lived on in the IQ, and you can expect to always see it in some way with future products. It is one of our pillars after all!

In The End…

DaVinci Vape Temp Chart of Boiling Points

An understanding of what temperature to vape at is centered around the boiling points and/or medical recommendations for vaporizer temperatures that make sense for the relief you may need. Our Smart Path technology acts as a guide of temperature ranges primarily structured for the cannabis user. Aromatherapy benefits with legal herbs happen at lower temperatures, where the high-noon should meet most temperature recommendation, you may benefit from creating custom smart paths in when pairing with the DaVinci Mobile App.

The best part is that you can enjoy any path, any time of the day to nearly invoke that same feel as if it were at the period of the day that makes sense for you. Trippy huh?

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